All materials produced by Northwood Financial Services cc are subject to copyright. No part of it may be copied and used without the expressed permission of the Key Individual, Nico Kleynhans, unless otherwise indicated. Once fair use permission is granted, no material may be altered either in content or form and Northwood Financial Services need to be acknowledged as the authors.
Northwood Financial Services is an Authorized Financial Services Provider (No 13296). We stand by the accuracy and relevance of all materials produced. However, we recognize the importance of consulting with your own Financial Advisor, before implementing any proposed actions suggested in our podcasts, blogs or on our website. Your Financial Advisor will know your unique circumstances best and can advise if there are implications to be considered, which we cannot predict. Our content is generic and is meant to inform and stimulate conversation between you, your Significant Others and your Financial Advisor only.
Information, such as your contact details, gathered by Northwood Financial Services cc will be used for the expressed purpose it was requested for and nothing else. If you indicated that you wanted a newsletter, that is what you will receive – we will not send you any additional materials, unless you request that. We will also not sell or share your information with any third-party entities what so ever.